Thursday, January 22, 2009


It is amazing how clicking that one little button can begin the start of a great debate...

Recently I was lead to share my heart with some of my believing Sisters in Christ. My sharing was then followed by a forwarded email I had received earlier in the day. It was astonishing to see how so few words could upset one of these Sisters. This sharing also made me aware of the fact that many times people seem to verify things on Snopes and yet so often forget to ever verify things in God's word. Why is that? Why are we so quick to send an email that states something is false and yet we never seem to do the same when in regards to God and His word? Think about this for a second, how many times have we heard people share things with us about God that we know aren't true? How many times have we failed to send or share with them an appropriate Bible verse or verses to show them proof of who God really is and what He says?

Now I am not saying Snopes isn't a great thing and all but why do we so easily believe a site on the internet and yet often find ourselves doubting or compromising God's word? I have heard a number of Christians comment on things and even state that God's word doesn't really relate to today or that it isn't to be taken literally. Or worse yet that it isn't completely true. Forgive me for being so bold but precious friends, YES IT IS! Something seems to be happening to us as believers. We are no longer holding fast to Biblical convictions but we are dropping them by the wayside the longer these "sins" are being thought of as normal by a world that has long forgotten their God. It is important to remember that just because something has become legalized by people does not mean God is for it. Only His word can confirm or deny what He is for and what He is against.

There was a time early in my walk that I also believed some of these lies. Today I want to encourage you that God's word is alive and prevalent to our generation just as it always has been. It is not to be picked apart but to be believed and trusted as a whole package deal. Many things we have been warned against in the Bible are still things we struggle with obeying today. And just as God punished our ancestors, He still punishes us for our blatant sin as well. That is why it is crucial that we grow in the knowledge of God's word and share what we have learned with others. Surrounding myself with other strong believers, thirsting for God's word, and devoting myself to prayer are all a necessity as I continue my walk down the narrow road that leads to eternity with Him. Hear me when I say this, it is not always easy, but it is always worth it!

Humbly I can admit to you though, that years ago if someone had shared their thoughts with me regarding my decisions being contrary to God's, I probably would of blown them off. This is not something I am proud of, but again, it was my lack of wisdom. Years later I am happy to report that after reading God's word front to back and following the Holy Spirits leading and prompting, life has become much different. It has not necessarily become easier as I stated but... life is much more meaningful now then it ever has been. I no longer live for this world or myself. I now live for Christ and seek to follow God's calling to share the Good News of salvation, the hope of resurrection and the future eternity that awaits all believers who put their trust in Jesus!

One of the things that was brought up in the midst of this debate was a stance for one political party over another. I personally am neither a democrat or a republican, I am a Christian, I am for those who hold God's standard to the greater degree. I encourage each of us to do the same. My prayer is that we would courageously share our faith and belief in Jesus as loudly and proudly as we do our political party. I also pray that after receiving an email, especially one that we feel led to check on Snoopes, God would lead us to do something else as well. That we would be led to ask ourselves if we have checked in to God's word lately to review our own choices against God's commands and Jesus' teachings. Remembering to also seek forgiveness when necessary and courage when needed.

Ultimately nothing else but God can stand the test of time. Our faith and belief should never have to be compromised if we are truly following God and taking Him at His word. Sharing this with you, I am reminded of a book I once read in which the author gave insight into how to discern choices. The author went on to ask these questions. Can what you are sharing or doing be backed up with God's word? Will your actions be glorifying to God? Would God be proud of what your doing or saying? Kind of makes you wonder what our world would be like if we all asked these questions first. If we really pondered those thoughts before we made the next move, said that one thing, or possibly worse, choosing to not say anything at all.

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